POI Policy Updates

August 9, 2021

After rollout of the POI Policy and Portal last month we received a number of policy questions and requests for exceptions. This feedback was brought to the POI Policy Working Group and several revisions were made to the policy that go into effect today.  We’ve summarized these changes below.

1) Reinstitute the Visitor role to support COVID testing
The Visitor role has been reinstated to support coronavirus policy that requires visitors who are on campus for more than 7 days to enroll in the University’s testing program. Visitor POIs:

  • Will be assigned a HUID, can claim a HarvardKey, and can be enrolled in the Color testing program.
  • Will not be eligible for an ID card, email address or other services.
  • Will be limited to 6 months and will be discontinued when COVID testing for visitors is no longer required.

2) Expand eligibility for Sponsor role to include unpaid ladder faculty at all schools
Sponsor eligibility has been expanded to include unpaid ladder faculty (Empl Classes F & J) at all schools. Previously only unpaid ladder faculty at HMS were eligible. 

3) Expand eligibility for Administrator role to include POIs and unpaid staff in Empl Classes A and S 
To facilitate processing updates on POIs and initiating requests for new POIs in units where POI management is primarily handled by POIs (typically contingent workers or AllSource employees) or unpaid employees, eligibility for the Administrator role has been expanded to include unpaid employees in Empl Classes A and S as well as POIs.  While we’ve expanded eligibility for this role: 

  • All POI requests must still be approved by both an eligible Sponsor and a Local Approver, who must be a paid employee in Empl Class A, O or S.  
  • Administrator is an assigned role that must be authorized by a school or unit’s Authorized Requestor so assignment will be restricted. 

The initial policy limited eligibility for the Administrator role to paid, benefits-eligible employees. 

4) Expand eligibility for Sponsor Delegate role to include unpaid staff in Empl Classes A and S 
As with the Administrator role (above), eligibility for Sponsor Delegate has been expanded to include unpaid employees in Empl Class A and S to facilitate processing updates on POIs and initiating requests for new POIs in units with only unpaid employees. 

Unlike the Administrator role, expansion of eligibility does not extend to POIs. This decision was made because the Sponsor Delegate role is automatically assigned based on person data—as opposed to intentionally authorized—so it would not be possible to restrict appropriately. 

A revised version of the full POI Policy is available on the HUIT site. For more information about the POI Portal, visit the IT Help Portal